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Privacy Policy

We have devoted to developping MultiOmic Analysis Tools in a web-based service way for years. It is important to state our general policies for users on our services:

  • We will not send or use your personal info other than checking your account status, notification from system such as the data deployment complete or website expiration, and statistics for system performance.
  • We will not use or analyze your data unless you are asking to (in the case of cooperation project and the dataset is defined for the coopreation plan.
  • TEA is open-access web service. We keep the data deployed website and the analysis results for a determined period; one month for a trial, one year for projects created by registered user For registered users, we keep the project website for one year. Any project exceed the allowable period may be cleaned. Please send us your request if you need an extend of usage, or wish to extend the life of a temporary trial website.
  • We will try our best to keep our system work smoothly. However, some unforeseeable circumstances may be happened. We are not garentee a backup the preserved on your analysis or uploaded files.


We also need to make some declarations on the user's rights and boundary we are in:

TEA runs on the virtural environment in Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. We provides this services TEA in open- access way for non-commercial use only . Please note that TEA is not accept the usage by any commercial entity for any purpose.

Here are some checkpoints to revise your usages. Please read it carefully and be sure that you will comply on this agreement.

  • You agree that you are not going to using TEA for commercial advantage, eg., generate a report for your client when you are on behalf of an company or any other organization other than non-profit organization.
  • The methodology and interpretation derived from this service is a part of research, which we do not garentee an expectation on any conditions related to human, animals, or plants health issues.
  • An registered user agree an acknowledge on TEA service and shell keep the analysis on their responsibility. WE WILL NOT READ THE DATA WITHOUT A REQUEST FROM DATA OWNER (data uploader/project creator); WE DO NOT GARENTEE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ANALYSIS AND UPLOADED FILE NEITHER.
  • TEA is based on many open-source code and our in-house works. This Agreement provides no license about any patent transfering. You agree to use this service in a normal human behavior, not to encrypt or attact or clone the whole site by any computational robots or crawers for an open-access website hosted in TEA even if the website is released by the project owner (an open-to-public website).


If you use TEA to help your work and want to cite this work in your document, please cite:

Sheng-Yao Su, Shu-Hwa Chen, I-Hsuan Lu, Yih-Shien Chiang, Yu-Bin Wang, Pao-Yang Chen, Chung-Yen Lin

TEA: The Epigenome platform for Arabidopsis methylome study.

06/2016 (ms submitted)

© 2016, Laboratory of Systems Biology and Network Biology,

Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN.

Lastest update 2016/07/15