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About GTF and Reference Genome

The GTF (gene transfer format) is a file used to hold known gene location information about a genome; it is identical to GFF version 2. The tab-delimited text of GTF contains gene ids, gene types, gene start/end positions and many other features. One genome may be annotated in different ways/ by different researchers. Therefore, any bioinfo tools that requires info from a GTF should also requires the right choice of the reference genome assembly (the genome sequence file, in FASTA format) to run together, or used in previous steps.

TEA is built based on the most-updated version TAIR10. Therefore, users should run the BS-Seq mapping process on the same reference genome assembly (TAIR10 build) to generate an EpiMolas.jar compatible mapping reports (*.CGmap from BS-Seeker2, or CXreport.txt from Bismark), and convert the reports to mtable by EpiMolas.jar with a TEA database compatible GTF.

Then, users can submit the result directly to TEA for deep analyses.

Spiecies: Arabidopsis thaliana
The Annotation Database
Bulit on March 2016,
based on TAIR10 /Ensembl 31
Non-coding genes

For more details about the description and classification of biotypes, please refer to The Arabidopsis Information Resource.

© 2016, Laboratory of Systems Biology and Network Biology,

Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN.

Lastest update 2016/07/15